Simple shoes is an interesting company, they use a lot of materials that are better for the environment, or are recycled. I've had mixed results with the quality of their shoes, but overall they seem like a good option. I've never thought their logo quite fit there brand however.

Treatment wise, for a long time on Simple's website they used a beautiful bled ink look. I really liked this treatment and felt it was appealing and hip. But unfortunately it looks like they've recently started using the logo situated on what looks like a dirty tag (I'm not a fan).
But lets get to standalone black and white logo. "Simply" put I think it looks like an 80's feminine hygiene product. This is because of the typeface they've chosen, I just don't think it's the right choice. Weight wise it provides a nice balance against the silhouette of the shoe, so it I do think it works from that prospective. And I like the way the "P" bleeds out into the negative space, but with that precedent set, why leave the "L" in a limbo state? I would have either bled the "L" cleanly like the "P" or not at all and worked it out another way. But putting my lack of love aside for the logo I could live with it if it weren't for the fact that they put the logo quite large on the back of their shoes in the form of a green rubber piece. For every pair I've seen it's made the shoes look a little silly, and dorky, and I wish they'd have the confidence not to slap it on every pair in this manner; or at least make it white or something. Basically my criticisms stem from the feeling that they could appeal to more people if their logo, and there application of it, was better. Plus I'd be happier too, ha ha. A lot of the actual shoe designs are quite nice though. Check 'em out.
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