Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This beautifully simple mark is for the Metro system of Guangzhou, China. at first glance one can easily recognize the suggestion of subway lines coming together, or the suggestion of rail lines themselves. But Guanzhou is also known as “the ram city” because of a legend involving 5 rams. There is a famous statue depicting the 5 rams and rams are often used as a symbol for the city. So, the GZ metro logo doubles as a pair of ram horns!

They don’t use the logo enough in my opinion and I wish they would be a little more consistent in how they used it; some times it’s in a circle some times thrown in a square. But often it stands alone without any text or enclosing shape and that’s how I think it looks best. As I mentioned before I love the simplicity, and that’s because it gives it a timeless quality. Years from now I don’t think this will look dated, the same can not be said for a lot of logotypes out there.

For a well organized collection of Metro Logos check out this page.

1 comment:

  1. Think you are right in that it is simplistic, yet it's all you need & it fits both the Ram City & Metro Line needs. Simplistic yet timeless.
